Menopause and Motherhood | Weight loss and Menopause, Healthy Eating in Peri-menopause, Hormone Balancing, Lose weight, Simple nutrition, Beat belly fat, Quick fitness, , metabolism boosting
Do hot flushes keep you awake at night? Are you a stressed-out mess riding the anxiety rollercoaster? Are you frustrated that no matter what you do you can’t seem to lose weight? Do your low energy levels frustrate you and make you feel irritable? Is organisation hard because brain fog is getting the better of you? Hey friend! I’m S J, I am a nutrition coach and personal trainer for menopausal women. When I hit 40 it was like a switch had flicked in my body. I felt like I had lost all sense of who I was, I had put on weight, had no energy, I struggled with brain fog and mood swings. All that changed when I started to learn about more about hormones and perimenopause. I realised I needed to start changing my approach to my health, fitness and nutrition as my hormones were changing. I learnt how-to live-in harmony with my hormones to help me achieve healthy sustainable weight loss and to understand how our hormones impact every area of our life. I learnt how to balance my hormones to reduce stress and how to harness their power to make the best use of my time. Now I want to pass all my secrets on to you. Having worked in the fitness space for many years it was obvious that women like you and I were being overlooked. The traditional approach to nutrition and fitness doesn’t work for our bodies as our hormones are changing so I trained to become a Menopause Nutritionist and Personal Trainer. In this podcast you will find all the tools you need to help you lose weight, balance your hormones, boost your metabolism, feel more energised, beat the brain fog, handle the mood swings, and start feeling more like YOU again! I’m so excited to keep you accountable, be your coach, give you some tough, love you and laugh with you. Let’s come together and make things happen! LET’S CONNECT Come find me at Email: Copyright Wellness and Wellies Ltd The information contained herein is for informational and educational purposes only, and should not, and in no way should, be perceived as or relied upon in any way as medical, mental health, health care or nutritional advice. Such information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, therapist, counsellor, mental health practitioner, licensed dietitian or nutritionist, or any other licensed or registered health care professional. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information you have read in our materials.

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Hey Mumma
Struggle to find a healthy breakfast?
Day 2 of the Meals on the move series BREAKFAST
Five healthy eating on the go breakfasts that will keep you full up till lunch.
Make sure you jump into the Facebook group to get all the recipes that I am sharing this week.
Join my Facebook community here:
SJ x
Get healthy, cycle sync your nutrition and fitness for sustainable weight loss.
Online group nutrition and fitness coaching for mumpreneurs.
Learn productivity strategies to take control over your to-do list and reduce overwhelm in order to find the time to implement health and fitness goals. Cycle sync your nutrition and fitness and achieve sustainable long term weight loss. Nutrition, Fitness and Productivity strategies that work in harmony with your body for optimal and sustainable weight loss with community accountability and a step by step framework.
Snag your spot here:
SJ x

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Hey Mumma
Are you a sweet or salty girl? What is your biggest craving?
In this we chat cravings. What are they? Why do we get cravings and what do they mean for us?
Of course you wont be surprised to learn that cravings are linked to your cycle and you are more likely to get cravings in your luteal phase.
In the episode I mentioned a supplement I use called LMNT you can get them easily in the US but in the UK you can get them here:
Get healthy, cycle sync your nutrition and fitness for sustainable weight loss.
Online group nutrition and fitness coaching
Learn productivity strategies to take control over your to-do list and reduce overwhelm in order to find the time to implement health and fitness goals. Cycle sync your nutrition and fitness and achieve sustainable long term weight loss. Nutrition, Fitness and Productivity strategies that work in harmony with your body for optimal and sustainable weight loss with community accountability and a step by step framework.
Snag your spot here:
SJ x
Join my Facebook community here:

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Hey Mumma!
Are you sick of your kids asking you for the millionth time “Mum what’s for dinner?”
Does meal planning feel like a chore that you know you have to do but you feel like you don’t have the time? Do you wish there was a way to make meal planning super simple and effortless?
I know what it’s like to feel so frustrated when everyone is asking you what’s for tea for the millionth time! To open the cupboards at the end of the day and have to come up with a healthy meal that all your family will eat or that awful mum guilt you get when you order in a pizza because you ran out of time.
That is why I created my FREE Master your Meal Planning workshop in this episode I will teach you how to make meal planning super simple and less of a chore. I will show you how to master your meal planning in 6 simple steps
Get healthy, cycle sync your nutrition and fitness for sustainable weight loss.
Online group nutrition and fitness coaching for mumpreneurs.
Learn productivity strategies to take control over your to-do list and reduce overwhelm in order to find the time to implement health and fitness goals. Cycle sync your nutrition and fitness and achieve sustainable long term weight loss. Nutrition, Fitness and Productivity strategies that work in harmony with your body for optimal and sustainable weight loss with community accountability and a step by step framework.
Snag your spot here:
SJ x

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Hey Mumma
A short message from me today to keep you in the loop!
The Productive Mum Fitness Framework is coming 27th September and I want YOU to be part of our intimate group.
Learn how to cycle sync your nutrition, fitness and to-do list.
Learn life changing strategies to make the harness the power of your hormones!
Jump in here:
See you in September friend!
SJ x
Get healthy, cycle sync your nutrition and fitness for sustainable weight loss.
7 week online group nutrition and fitness coaching for mumpreneurs.
Learn productivity strategies to take control over your to-do list and reduce overwhelm in order to find the time to implement health and fitness goals. Cycle sync your nutrition and fitness and achieve sustainable long term weight loss. Nutrition, Fitness and Productivity strategies that work in harmony with your body for optimal and sustainable weight loss with community accountability and a step by step framework.
Snag your spot here:
SJ x

Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Hey Mumma
I used to find myself saying this on a Saturday evening as I downed a glass of wine and was choosing what to eat from the local takeaway.
How many times have you caught yourself saying this when it comes to your exercise and your diet?
Today I am sharing why starting on Monday is not the best time to kick start your healthy eating or fitness regime because if you are in the wrong stage of your cycle you might find yourself falling off the wagon when Aunt Flo comes to town!
In this episode I explain the principles of cycle syncing and how we can use our hormones to our advantage to help you stay on track.
If this episode creates a light bulb moment for you and you want to dig deeper into the MAGIC of cycle syncing please click the link below and find out more about The Productive Mum Fitness Framework
Cycle syncing changed my life and I know there are women out there who need this so please share the podcast in your stories or leave me review in ITunes.
If you need some help with this remember you are not alone we are on this journey together!
Join my Facebook community here:
Love SJ x

Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Hey momma!
Are you like me with a small person starting school over the next few days?
Are you navigating school uniform, shoes and timetables for the first time?
Are you feeling all the emotions of letting go ans they take their first steps into the big wide world without you?
The great thing about community is that there is always someone you can turn to for help!
In this episode I share some of the top tips my friends gave me for navigating those first few days of school I am sure you will find it helpful!
A huge shout out to my friends here in the UK and in the US for sharing their top tips.
We are truly better together!
Come join us in the Facebook community!
Have you tried all the diets and your fed up because none of them work? Do you wish there was a way to feel more energised without relying on coffee all day! Are you feeling so overwhelmed by your to-do list that you spend hours on social media distracting yourself because you don’t know where to start?
I know what it’s like to feel so overwhelmed and exhausted by 3pm that you end up snapping at your kids, binge eating all the junk food and then feeling like a failure because the piles of laundry keep growing and your email inbox is still overflowing.
Imagine if you had strategy to help you take back control.
A set of simple systems that will help you find the time to work out and eat healthy so that you feel energised and accomplished.
That is why I created THE PRODUCTIVE MUM FITNESS FRAMEWORK A 7 week group coaching program where I teach you how to get organised, cycle sync your nutrition and fitness for sustainable weight loss and how to fit it all around your family!
You will walk away with productivity strategies to take control over your to-do list and reduce overwhelm in order to find the time to implement your health and fitness goals. Plus you get my support as well as the extra accountability from a bunch of go-getter mums like you!
If you are ready to throw out those weight loss shakes FOREVER, reclaim your energy and your time then this is the program for you.
I am only going to take 20 ladies onto this program when we kick off in September so you need to get your application in asap!
Plus because I am super excited and I love giving presents If you are one of the first 5 ladies to snag your spot on the program I am going to gift you a copy the paper planner that I use every day

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Hey mumma!
Are you sick of sending out end of month spammy pammy messages in the hope that someone might have some sort of alleluia moment and buy your product at 11:59 on the last day of the month?
Would you like to feel more in control of your network marketing business and have a plan that helps you hit your goals without impacting your health, family and sanity!
In this episode I am a guest on my pod sister Michelle show where I share with her audience how to plan your workload around you cycle.
Learn what tasks to do and when to get the most out of your time and be more productive.

Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Hey Mumma
August is not a month i am in a rush to repeat it has been a tough one but am sure you have had months like this too?
Farm life in harvest is pretty full on and as a result my routine has been out and my friend i have really felt the impacts of that!
This episode is more of a what NOT to do and what i SHOULD have been doing my friend! I want to be real and honest with you on this journey and for us to be ok with it not always going to plan but how we can pull it back and what we can learn from the process!
Love as always
SJ x
Have you tried all the diets and your fed up because none of them work? Do you wish there was a way to feel more energised without relying on coffee all day! Are you feeling so overwhelmed by your to-do list that you spend hours on social media distracting yourself because you don’t know where to start?
I know what it’s like to feel so overwhelmed and exhausted by 3pm that you end up snapping at your kids, binge eating all the junk food and then feeling like a failure because the piles of laundry keep growing and your email inbox is still overflowing.
Imagine if you had strategy to help you take back control.
A set of simple systems that will help you find the time to work out and eat healthy so that you feel energised and accomplished.
That is why I created THE PRODUCTIVE MUM FITNESS FRAMEWORK A 7 week group coaching program where I teach you how to get organised, cycle sync your nutrition and fitness for sustainable weight loss and how to fit it all around your family!
You will walk away with productivity strategies to take control over your to-do list and reduce overwhelm in order to find the time to implement your health and fitness goals. Plus you get my support as well as the extra accountability from a bunch of go-getter mums like you!
If you are ready to throw out those weight loss shakes FOREVER, reclaim your energy and your time then this is the program for you.
I am only going to take 20 ladies onto this program when we kick off in September so you need to get your application in asap!
Plus because I am super excited and I love giving presents If you are one of the first 5 ladies to snag your spot on the program I am going to gift you a copy the paper planner that I use every day

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Hey Mumma
How many times have you gone to your wardrobe and declared that you have nothing to wear? Or stood in the changing room in a shop and hated what you see in the mirror because that dress looked great on the hanger but not on you!
Meet Lindsay the answer to your prayers. In this episode she talks all how important clothes re when it comes to our confidence. She gives some great advice around clothes do's and do nots!
Lindsay left her career in education, after 5 years as a headteacher, to become a personal stylist and image consultant. She now helps women to be the very best version of themselves, giving them confidence to be seen and accepted for who they truly are. Every one of us has our own unique beauty and Lindsay helps this to evolve through her colour analysis and personal styling services.
I know you are going to love this one!
Go find her and make sure to check out her online Cabi collection:
Have you tried all the diets and your fed up because none of them work? Do you wish there was a way to feel more energised without relying on coffee all day! Are you feeling so overwhelmed by your to-do list that you spend hours on social media distracting yourself because you don’t know where to start?
I know what it’s like to feel so overwhelmed and exhausted by 3pm that you end up snapping at your kids, binge eating all the junk food and then feeling like a failure because the piles of laundry keep growing and your email inbox is still overflowing.
Imagine if you had strategy to help you take back control.
A set of simple systems that will help you find the time to work out and eat healthy so that you feel energised and accomplished.
That is why I created THE PRODUCTIVE MUM FITNESS FRAMEWORK A 7 week group coaching program where I teach you how to get organised, cycle sync your nutrition and fitness for sustainable weight loss and how to fit it all around your family!
You will walk away with productivity strategies to take control over your to-do list and reduce overwhelm in order to find the time to implement your health and fitness goals. Plus you get my support as well as the extra accountability from a bunch of go-getter mums like you!
If you are ready to throw out those weight loss shakes FOREVER, reclaim your energy and your time then this is the program for you.
I am only going to take 20 ladies onto this program when we kick off in September so you need to get your application in asap!
Plus because I am super excited and I love giving presents If you are one of the first 5 ladies to snag your spot on the program I am going to gift you a copy the paper planner that I use every day
Throughout August I am choosing one winner each week to win you and your bestie FREE coffee! In my mind maintaining our relationships is an key part to our self-care routine.
To enter all you have to do is share this episode in your stories and tag me @theproducitvefitmum and I will chose a winner each week in August who will receive a gift card from me for FREE coffee!

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Hey Mumma
Lets get real for a minute. How many different diets have you started and then quit? If I asked you what you needed to do to get healthy what would you say?
Would you give me a list of ways to starve yourself and over exercise to loose weight quickly or do you REALLY know how to get healthy in a sustainable way?
Today I am giving you three simple steps to ditch the diet rollercoaster and unpack what healthy living actually looks like for you, how you can incorporate it into your daily life and how to stick to it!
Have you tried all the diets and your fed up because none of them work? Do you wish there was a way to feel more energised without relying on coffee all day! Are you feeling so overwhelmed by your to-do list that you spend hours on social media distracting yourself because you don’t know where to start?
I know what it’s like to feel so overwhelmed and exhausted by 3pm that you end up snapping at your kids, binge eating all the junk food and then feeling like a failure because the piles of laundry keep growing and your email inbox is still overflowing.
Imagine if you had strategy to help you take back control.
A set of simple systems that will help you find the time to work out and eat healthy so that you feel energised and accomplished.
That is why I created THE PRODUCTIVE MUM FITNESS FRAMEWORK A 7 week group coaching program where I teach you how to get organised, cycle sync your nutrition and fitness for sustainable weight loss and how to fit it all around your family!
You will walk away with productivity strategies to take control over your to-do list and reduce overwhelm in order to find the time to implement your health and fitness goals. Plus you get my support as well as the extra accountability from a bunch of go-getter mums like you!
If you are ready to throw out those weight loss shakes FOREVER, reclaim your energy and your time then this is the program for you.
I am only going to take 20 ladies onto this program when we kick off in September so you need to get your application in asap!
Plus because I am super excited and I love giving presents If you are one of the first 5 ladies to snag your spot on the program I am going to gift you a copy the paper planner that I use every day
Throughout August I am choosing one winner each week to win you and your bestie FREE coffee! In my mind maintaining our relationships is an key part to our self-care routine.
To enter all you have to do is share this episode in your stories and tag me @theproducitvefitmum and I will chose a winner each week in August who will receive a gift card from me for FREE coffee!