Menopause and Motherhood | Weight loss and Menopause, Healthy Eating in Peri-menopause, Hormone Balancing, Lose weight, Simple nutrition, Beat belly fat, Quick fitness, , metabolism boosting
Do hot flushes keep you awake at night? Are you a stressed-out mess riding the anxiety rollercoaster? Are you frustrated that no matter what you do you can’t seem to lose weight? Do your low energy levels frustrate you and make you feel irritable? Is organisation hard because brain fog is getting the better of you? Hey friend! I’m S J, I am a nutrition coach and personal trainer for menopausal women. When I hit 40 it was like a switch had flicked in my body. I felt like I had lost all sense of who I was, I had put on weight, had no energy, I struggled with brain fog and mood swings. All that changed when I started to learn about more about hormones and perimenopause. I realised I needed to start changing my approach to my health, fitness and nutrition as my hormones were changing. I learnt how-to live-in harmony with my hormones to help me achieve healthy sustainable weight loss and to understand how our hormones impact every area of our life. I learnt how to balance my hormones to reduce stress and how to harness their power to make the best use of my time. Now I want to pass all my secrets on to you. Having worked in the fitness space for many years it was obvious that women like you and I were being overlooked. The traditional approach to nutrition and fitness doesn’t work for our bodies as our hormones are changing so I trained to become a Menopause Nutritionist and Personal Trainer. In this podcast you will find all the tools you need to help you lose weight, balance your hormones, boost your metabolism, feel more energised, beat the brain fog, handle the mood swings, and start feeling more like YOU again! I’m so excited to keep you accountable, be your coach, give you some tough, love you and laugh with you. Let’s come together and make things happen! LET’S CONNECT Come find me at Email: Copyright Wellness and Wellies Ltd The information contained herein is for informational and educational purposes only, and should not, and in no way should, be perceived as or relied upon in any way as medical, mental health, health care or nutritional advice. Such information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, therapist, counsellor, mental health practitioner, licensed dietitian or nutritionist, or any other licensed or registered health care professional. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information you have read in our materials.

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
2 steps to organise your husband without nagging him - The Productive Mum System
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Hey Mumma
Are you fed up of nagging? Do you wish your husband would be more organised? I know how you feel!
In our house I am the organiser and I have a constant to-do list running through my head ALL the time!
In all honesty it has caused a fair amount of conflict in my relationship with Tim as he will be the first to admit that he is not the most organised person.
In this episode i share with you my 2 step simple system to help share the load with your husband it will take the pressure off you and will reduce conflict in your household.
Remember you are a team, yes you might be organising and steering the ship but he can certainly help you with the rowing it is not all on you!
Let me know how you get on, i would love to hear if it works!
Need some extra help with this?
Book an EMPOWER hour with me and I can show you how to plan and prioritise your workload so that you can be super productive and have more energy to spend on those most important to you.
Want to be surrounded by link minded go-getter productive mums like you? Then go on over to the Facebook community for extra tips and resources:
Have a great week
SJ x

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
How to plan for a stress free summer as a work from home mom
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Hey Mumma!
Here in the UK as we moved to the end of July the schools start to break up and for us here on the farm life tends to get super stressful as harvest begins!
In all honesty I dread this time of year at times as it can be really hard work running this ship on my own and trying to stay on top of my own work.
In this episode I will talk you through some ideas and strategies to put in place to help you build a routine to have a stress free summer!
Need some extra help with this?
Book an EMPOWERher with me and I can show you how to plan and prioritise your workload so that you can be super productive and have more energy to spend on those most important to you.
Want to be surrounded by link minded go-getter productive mums like you? Then go on over to the Facebook community for extra tips and resources:
Have a great week
SJ x

Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Hey Mumma
You know how there are some weeks where you feel on top of the world and that you can take anything on?
Then other weeks where you feel like all you want to do is curl up on the sofa and fall asleep? Did you know that is normal and all linked to your hormones?
Today I am teaching you how you can harness the power of your hormones to get organised in your business. I talk you through what tasks to do and when so that you can get the most out of your energy and time.
Need some extra help with this?
Book an EMPOWERher with me and I can show you how to plan and prioritise your workload so that you can be super productive and have more energy to spend on those most important to you.
Want to be surrounded by link minded go-getter productive mums like you? Then go on over to the Facebook community for extra tips and resources:
Have a great week
SJ x

Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Hey Mumma
You know there are some things you do on auto pilot that you do and do not realise you are doing them until someone else points it out?
COLOU CODING is my thing! It wasn't until my business coach pointed it out to me that I realised that it was a thing! I went away to check out the science behind and it actually makes sense!
Today I share i how i use colour coding in my business and at home to help me be more productive! I don't know about you but I am so here for anything that saves me time!
Please share with me if any of these ideas resonate with you.
Join my Facebook community here:
Need some extra help? Book an EMPOWER hour with me. I can help you get clarity on your goals and help you find the time in your schedule to start doing the things you love.
Love SJ x

Thursday Jul 01, 2021
PRODUCTIVE MUM SERIES #2 - How to Use a Paper Planner and Maximize Your Productivity
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Hey Mumma!
Do you share an obsession with me around planners?
Do you wish you could be more organised and make better use of your planner? Or do you hate planning and prefer to wing it?
In this episode you will learn how to make the most out of your paper planner.
Come on over to the Facebook group and let me know how you get on
Need some extra help with this?
Book an EMPOWER hour with me and I can show you how to plan and prioritise your workload so that you can be super productive and have more energy to spend on those most important to you.
Want to be surrounded by link minded go-getter productive mums like you? Then go on over to the Facebook community for extra tips and resources:
Have a great week
SJ x

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
PRODUCTIVE MUM SERIES #1 - Can you LEARN to Be Organised as a busy WAHM?
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Hey momma
Do you feel disorganised all the time while other people look like they have their Sh*t together?
In this episode I chat about learning to be organised.
I talk by unpacking the concept of "mental load" this constant to do list we as women have in our heads to manage and organise our families.
Check out a great article which explains it in more detail here.
I know you will resonate with this!
Bearing this mental load in mind I want you to give yourself some GRACE! You have a lot on your place so breathe and lets walk through this together one step at a time!
Next some extra help with organisation?
Book an EMPOWER hour with me. I can help you get clarity on your goals and help you find the time in your schedule to start doing the things you love.
Remember you are not alone in this come on over and join my Facebook community here: lets link arms together and ride this crazy rollercoaster or motherhood and entrepreneurship together.
Love SJ x

Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Hey Mumma
You may have noticed that things are looking a bit different around here!
In this episode I am sharing the story behind the new name and the branding. I wanted to keep you in the loop of the changes and what things will look and sound like moving forward.
Would love to hear your thoughts on the new look so make sure you come and find me over on Facebook would love to hear from you!
In the episode I mentioned a course created by my coach Stef Gass 'Clarify Your Calling'. If you are struggling to figure out what your THING is then i highly recommend you check it out it has helped me so much here is the link
Have a great week

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Hey Mumma!
I get asked all the time how do you stay motivated with your goals? Honestly if I had a £1 for every time someone asked me this question...well...I would be recording this episode in my own home studio!
This episode is a recording of a workshop I did in a Facebook group and it is a talk i do ALOT so i figured i should share it with you too!
Would love to hear you thoughts and feedback!
As always please share the podcast if you think this episode could help anyone and jump on over to the Facebook community to get more free tips and advice like this!
Have a great week
SJ c

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Hey mumma!
Do you remember when you first held that baby and your world and you changed forever? Do you feel like you have a lost a sense of who you are because you are a mum? Are you feeling lost as the world is changing and opening up and you are trying to find that "new normal"
In this episode the strategies i am using to help me stay connect with my sense of self and the things i am doing to help me stay sane as the world changes and transitions.
If you need some help with this remember you are not alone we are on this journey together!
Join my Facebook community here:
Need some extra help? Book an EMPOWER hour with me. I can help you get clarity on your goals and help you find the time in your schedule to start doing the things you love.
Love SJ x

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Hey Mumma!
My motivation behind Empower her has always been for us to learn together, to Empower ourselves so we can empower our daughters and tell them the stuff we wish we knew when we were younger.
These conversations with your daughter are all about that. The things I want to talk to Chloe about to help her navigate this crazy world and many of these conversations are happening in REAL time!
My baby is getting bigger and we are preparing for the transition to school soon! Confession I am not prepared emotionally for this at all and I am an emotional wreck so I will be crying!
In this episode i am talking about how i am preparing myself and her for this transition because i know how important it is for my frame of mind to be good so that this is a. great experience for her!
If you have any ideas or suggestions to help me please come and find me on Facebook in the podcast community!
We are in this together!
Love SJ x