Menopause and Motherhood | Weight loss and Menopause, Healthy Eating in Peri-menopause, Hormone Balancing, Lose weight, Simple nutrition, Beat belly fat, Quick fitness, , metabolism boosting
Do hot flushes keep you awake at night? Are you a stressed-out mess riding the anxiety rollercoaster? Are you frustrated that no matter what you do you can’t seem to lose weight? Do your low energy levels frustrate you and make you feel irritable? Is organisation hard because brain fog is getting the better of you? Hey friend! I’m S J, I am a nutrition coach and personal trainer for menopausal women. When I hit 40 it was like a switch had flicked in my body. I felt like I had lost all sense of who I was, I had put on weight, had no energy, I struggled with brain fog and mood swings. All that changed when I started to learn about more about hormones and perimenopause. I realised I needed to start changing my approach to my health, fitness and nutrition as my hormones were changing. I learnt how-to live-in harmony with my hormones to help me achieve healthy sustainable weight loss and to understand how our hormones impact every area of our life. I learnt how to balance my hormones to reduce stress and how to harness their power to make the best use of my time. Now I want to pass all my secrets on to you. Having worked in the fitness space for many years it was obvious that women like you and I were being overlooked. The traditional approach to nutrition and fitness doesn’t work for our bodies as our hormones are changing so I trained to become a Menopause Nutritionist and Personal Trainer. In this podcast you will find all the tools you need to help you lose weight, balance your hormones, boost your metabolism, feel more energised, beat the brain fog, handle the mood swings, and start feeling more like YOU again! I’m so excited to keep you accountable, be your coach, give you some tough, love you and laugh with you. Let’s come together and make things happen! LET’S CONNECT Come find me at Email: Copyright Wellness and Wellies Ltd The information contained herein is for informational and educational purposes only, and should not, and in no way should, be perceived as or relied upon in any way as medical, mental health, health care or nutritional advice. Such information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, therapist, counsellor, mental health practitioner, licensed dietitian or nutritionist, or any other licensed or registered health care professional. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information you have read in our materials.

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Hey mumma
I know you are fed up of always feeling tired and that you would like to have the energy of a toddler right? The answer to your lack of energy might not be more sleep!
In this episode I am talking about the 4 different types of energy and when you hear about these it will make total sense as to why you feel so tired all the time!
Stay tuned for the next episode for tools to change your energy levels depending on where your energy is lacking!
In the episode I also mentioned my previous episode on Vision boards and finding your WHY check them out here
Love and light
SJ x

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Self-worth and your business
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Hey Mumma!
I know you are rocking it as an entrepreneur so why do you doubt yourself?
This episode is a bit of a pep talk for you because i believe in you 100%!
In this episode i tackle the two key confidence crises female entrepreneurs face when it comes to self-worth, what to charge and showing up on video!
I also share a little about my faith and how it helps be build self-belief in my business.
You have totally got this
Love and Light
SJ xx

Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Self-worth - Know your worth mumma, our daughters are watching!
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Hey mumma!
First up bear with me sound wise... it is not perfect but stick with me till the end!
How do you feel about your self-worth?
Do you feel confident in who you are and what you stand for?
Following on from a documentary I watched the other week I felt frustrated to learn that young girls are being pressured to share intimate images of their body in the hope that boys will like them!
Come on ladies if we want to EMPOWER this younger generation it is down to us to help them know their worth and that starts with you!
Time to talk self-worth. Where does our sense of self come from?
Then if our sense of self is a bit shaky how can we work on it to be great role models for our daughters and the young women around us!
It starts with YOU!
Love and light
SJ x
In this episode i mentioned a previous episode on Boundaries here it is

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Strategies for overcoming emotional eating
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Hey friend!
Last episode we chatted about emotional eating and how to identify if you are an emotional eater.
If you are listening to this then I am guessing you have joined me in the Bridget Jones style spoon in the jar of Nutella.
In this episode I talk about emotional eating triggers and how to manage them! This is not something that you will crack over night like most things it involves consistency and showing up daily and habits are not easy to change!
Sister friend you have got this and if you need some extra help and coachin drop me an email
Speak soon
SJ x

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Are you hungry or emotional eating?
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Hey friend!
When I started talking emotional eating there was this huge resounding hell yeah that is me from my community so I decided to dig in a little deeper!
In the episode we identify if you are an emotional eater. Then we look at how to identify the difference between emotional eating and hunger.
We have all seen the film of Bridget Jone eating the contents of her fridge after she has gone through a break up. How many times have you done this with a tub of ice cream or a bar of chocolate?
Stay tuned for the next episode all about how identify your triggers and how to create strategies to help you manage emotional eating.
Also make sure you share this podcast in your IG stories for the opportunity to win the business planner and a 30 min coaching session with me via zoom. Competition closes 28th Feb 2021

Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Are you a lockdown emotional eater?
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Do you ever catch yourself doing doing a Bridget Jones?
Spoon in the tub of chocolate spread trying to find comfort in food?
Lockdown life is pretty hard and I know it is taking its toll on us all.
Have you found yourself trying to find comfort in food to numb out the hard stuff you are dealing with right now? Do you find yourself reaching for the biscuits when your toddler is having a meltdown? ME TOO!!
Real talk eating our feelings is not going to solve our problems in fact it is more likely to give us more stress when our jeans no longer fit right!
As we move into the period of Lent it got me thinking and reflecting on my eating habits. As i was scoffing pancakes at chocolate spread into my face i realised i had been emotional eating and not really knowing it!
I share with you the strategies i use to keep my emotional eating in check.
We are in this together!
Love SJ x
I also mention my EMPOWER YOU course find out more here:

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Working mum business guilt
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Hey friend!
I know you are showing up BIG time as a mum and as a business owner!
You are juggling it all, the homeschooling, cooking, cleaning, being a mum a wife and your are being pulled in so many directions!
Do you feel like you should or could be doing more in your business?
Are you trying to multi task and failing miserably?
In this episode i am going to identify if your business guilt is founded, how to manage it and how to deal with it and yes we talk about my favoUrite topic TIME BLOCKING!
Go check out my video all about time management and time blocking
If you are not part of the EMPOWERher community come join us over on FB to meet other liked minded entrepreneurs
Love always
SJ x

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Get in rhythm with your body
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
When you work with your body rather against it life just feels easier!
I am so excited to be sharing the introduction unit to my new online course EMPOWER YOU!
Did you know as women our bodies have 2 biological rhythms circadian and infradian. In this episode which is the introduction to my new course I give an overview of each rhythm and share some simple tips on how they can help you be more productive in your job, home life or business.
This will give you a taste of the course and how it could help you, to find out more check out
Any questions drop me an email at

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Mummy Guilt
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
That awful gut wrenching, stick a fork in your heart and pull feeling that only us mummies know!
In this episode I talk about my experiences of mum guilt with my daughter Chloe in particular as a working mummy.
I also give you 3 top tips on how to live and handle that mum guilt because lets be honest it will NEVER go away!!
I also mentioned my Take back your time FREE webinar which you can find here:
Find out more about my EMPOWER YOU course here:
Finally, if you are not a member of our FREE facebook community come on over and join us

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Self-care - the unsexy real talk
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
How are you coping with it all right now?
Lets talk self-care because right now life is tough and there is not much opportunity for a spa day. What are you doing to get through each day?
In this episode I am talking through the unsexy side of self-care some key tips to help you get through the day and make sure you are showing up for your business and the people that matter.
If you want to find out more about the Empower You course click the link
If you need some extra help with time management click the link below to register for my FREE Take back your time webinar
Catch you next week!
SJ x