Menopause and Motherhood | Weight loss and Menopause, Healthy Eating in Peri-menopause, Hormone Balancing, Lose weight, Simple nutrition, Beat belly fat, Quick fitness, , metabolism boosting
Do hot flushes keep you awake at night? Are you a stressed-out mess riding the anxiety rollercoaster? Are you frustrated that no matter what you do you can’t seem to lose weight? Do your low energy levels frustrate you and make you feel irritable? Is organisation hard because brain fog is getting the better of you? Hey friend! I’m S J, I am a nutrition coach and personal trainer for menopausal women. When I hit 40 it was like a switch had flicked in my body. I felt like I had lost all sense of who I was, I had put on weight, had no energy, I struggled with brain fog and mood swings. All that changed when I started to learn about more about hormones and perimenopause. I realised I needed to start changing my approach to my health, fitness and nutrition as my hormones were changing. I learnt how-to live-in harmony with my hormones to help me achieve healthy sustainable weight loss and to understand how our hormones impact every area of our life. I learnt how to balance my hormones to reduce stress and how to harness their power to make the best use of my time. Now I want to pass all my secrets on to you. Having worked in the fitness space for many years it was obvious that women like you and I were being overlooked. The traditional approach to nutrition and fitness doesn’t work for our bodies as our hormones are changing so I trained to become a Menopause Nutritionist and Personal Trainer. In this podcast you will find all the tools you need to help you lose weight, balance your hormones, boost your metabolism, feel more energised, beat the brain fog, handle the mood swings, and start feeling more like YOU again! I’m so excited to keep you accountable, be your coach, give you some tough, love you and laugh with you. Let’s come together and make things happen! LET’S CONNECT Come find me at Email: Copyright Wellness and Wellies Ltd The information contained herein is for informational and educational purposes only, and should not, and in no way should, be perceived as or relied upon in any way as medical, mental health, health care or nutritional advice. Such information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, therapist, counsellor, mental health practitioner, licensed dietitian or nutritionist, or any other licensed or registered health care professional. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information you have read in our materials.

Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Hey friend!
This episode is DEEP and in all honest pretty full on!
None of this meant to scare you only PREPARE you and as always it is me sharing the things I learn with you.
Today i am talking hormones your endocrine system and hormones. My eyes have well and truly been opened to the huge array of chemicals that disrupt our hormones and today I am sharing how I got started on this journey.
This is just the start of turning my home chemical free to support my families health and wellbeing. Today I share 4 simple steps to get you started like a crunchy mum!
My one stop shop for all things CLEAN in your home and on your skin is here:
Love SJ
I mentioned a website and some downloads you can find them here:
Throughout August I am choosing one winner each week to win you and your bestie FREE coffee! In my mind maintaining our relationships is an key part to our self-care routine.
To enter all you have to do is share this episode in your stories and tag me @theproducitvefitmum and I will chose a winner each week in August who will receive a gift card from me for FREE coffee!

Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Hey Mumma!
What does you morning look like?
Are your kiddos coming in and waking you up or are you up and getting stuff done before they get up? Are you part of the 5am club voluntarily or enforced?
Today I am talking morning routines and how to use your morning routine to get the most out of your day. If you have a great morning you then it sets you up to get the most out of your day.
Self-care is all about you doing things for YOU on a daily basis that help you get the most out of your day and show up as the best version of you.
Learn some simple DO's and DONT"S of how to get your morning routine to work for you. With a REALITY check too because life is not perfect and in all honesty my daughter is currently a member of the the 5am club herself!
Throughout August I am choosing one winner each week to win you and your bestie FREE coffee! In my mind maintaining our relationships is an key part to our self-care routine.
To enter all you have to do is share this episode in your stories and tag me @theproducitvefitmum and I will chose a winner each week in August who will receive a gift card from me for FREE coffee!
Snag your spot for the workshop here:
Speak soon SJ x

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Hey Mumma
Let's talk REST... are you caught up in the hustle culture?
I know you are busy juggling all the things work and captain of the home ship. Today I am talking about the importance of rest when it comes to your energy levels and productivity.
You don't have to keep going at 100% 24/7 and REST is really important if you want to be operating at your BEST!
On the podcast today you will learn about the 2 main types of rest and how you can incorporate rest into your daily life. Self-care is all about taking small steps every day to look after you and REST is a big part of that.
Throughout August I am choosing one winner each week to win you and your bestie FREE coffee! In my mind maintaining our relationships is an key part to our self-care routine.
To enter all you have to do is share this episode in your stories and tag me @theproducitvefitmum and I will chose a winner each week in August who will receive a gift card from me for FREE coffee!
Snag your spot for the workshop here:
Speak soon SJ x

Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Hey Mumma!
This month I am on a mission to support you with your self-care.... Self-care is all about the daily things you can change to help you look after your own health and wellbeing.
In this episode the key change i made to my mindset when it came to my nutrition. I want to help you change the narrative around food to help you end emotional eating and start seeing food for what it is. Fuel for your body and mind.
In the episode i mentioned Dr Amen and the books he has written around nutrition and the impacts it can have on the brain check out his website here if you want to geek out on this!
Throughout August I am choosing one winner each week to win you and your bestie FREE coffee! In my mind maintaining our relationships is an key part to our self-care routine.
To enter all you have to do is share this episode in your stories and tag me @theproducitvefitmum and I will chose a winner each week in August who will receive a gift card from me for FREE coffee!
Snag your spot for the workshop here:
Speak soon SJ x

Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Hey Mumma
Yes of course I love exercise but I consider it part of my daily self-care!
Without it quite frankly I would be a horrible person and i feel so blessed to have a body that I am able to move.
If you are an exercise hater I challenge you to check out my podcast today.
I am chatting all about how exercise can be a form of self-care and not something to torture yourself with.
Plus I share some simple tips to add more movement into your daily life.
Throughout August I am choosing one winner each week to win you and your bestie FREE coffee! In my mind maintaining our relationships is an key part to our self-care routine.
To enter all you have to do is share this episode in your stories and tag me @theproducitvefitmum and I will chose a winner each week in August who will receive a gift card from me for FREE coffee!
Snag your spot for the workshop here:
Speak soon SJ x

Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Hey Mumma
I know how good you are at looking everyone else and that your needs often get put to the bottom of the pile.
That is why throughout the month of August I am talking self-care.. but not the self-care you are thinking!
I want to change the narrative around self-care. Self care is. not all bubble baths and face masks. I think it is about the things you can do on a daily basis to self-care so that you don't reach burnout.
Having a monthly massage is great but you need to be looking after you on a daily basis so show up your best in your motherhood, business and relationships.
Throughout August I am choosing one winner each week to win you and your bestie FREE coffee! In my mind maintaining our relationships is an key part to our self-care routine.
To enter all you have to do is share this episode in your stories and tag me @theproducitvefitmum and I will chose a winner each week in August who will receive a gift card from me for FREE coffee!
Snag your spot for the workshop here:
Speak soon SJ x

Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Hey Mumma!
Are you curious about how cycle syncing could work for you?
In this episode I show you how to get started with cycle syncing and learn how to use your hormones as your super power.
In the podcast I mentioned the FREE Master your meal planning workshop
Snag your spot by registering here:
Speak soon
SJ x

Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Hey Mumma!
Sometimes the most simple things can be the most effective and water could be the answer you are looking for!
If you feel tired all the time, struggle with brain fog or you are struggling to lose weight the answer might be the magic of H2O!
In this episode we dig into why water is so important to your body, how much you should be drinking and 3 simple steps to incorporate more water into your daily life.
In the episode I mentioned my FREE Meal Planning workshop on the 16th August snag your spot here:
I also mentioned the Hydratem8 water bottles I use which you can find on their website (I am not an affiliate btw)
Check out Dr Amen's work on brain health too he has loads of books on Amazon and free resources on his website too
Have a great week!
SJ x

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Calling all unicorn MLM mums!
Do you have a side hustle? Are you in network marketing but you are sick of the copy and paste 'hey girl" culture?
This episode is a MUST listen!
Top network marketer Michelle Castro from Growth against the Grain shares her secret to growing your network marketing business your way.
Michelle is a wife and mama to 3 beautiful girls from Los Angeles, California. She’s the host of a podcast for Christian Entrepreneurs, Growth Against the Grain.
Michelle specializes in helping women in the network marketing space show up as the unique unicorn God made them to be…niching in to avoiding the copy/paste culture and leaning into who they are and the value they have to offer through strategy, mindset, and some healthy living for good measure. :)
Michelle loves the network marketing / direct sales space and believes that women can grow an audacious business without looking like everyone else, being connected 24/7, while being present for those she loves most, and honour the Lord in the process!
Connect with Michelle
If you loved Michelle please go and find her over on IG
Share your biggest takeaway in your stories and tag us!
SJ x

Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Hey Mumma
You know when you look back to your twenties pre baby and you think how lucky you were not to have to watch every morsel that you put into you mouth? Do you wish you could better understand why it is so much harder to lose weight now you are closer to 40 than 20?
I hate fad diets and I was really reluctant to try gluten free because I did not want to be that person asking for gluten free. We also grow wheat on the farm and it felt a bit disloyal too!
But the past 30 days i have tried gluten to free to see if it had an impact on my weight and my energy levels and guess what... it did!
If you are approaching 40 and struggling to lose weight like me when you haven't changed anything in your diet i would highly recommend giving it a go! It is not rocket science really when we think about it...
Natural unprocessed foods help us to feel more energised and help us lose weight quicker. Taking gluten out of your diet is just eating cleaner so when it help me lose weight and helped me feel more energised I was not really surprised!
In this episode i share how to implement it into your healthy eating plan and some of my top tips for this.
Dont forget you can find out more about the Productive Mum Fitness Framework by clicking here:
Have a fab week!